We recognise that maintaining a strict standard of confidentiality throughout the process will play a significant role in delivering a deal that exceeds your objectives. This has always been a solid foundation on which our service can be built on.
When you begin this journey, you will want to ensure that any details of the sale of your company do not enter the public domain, it is for this reason that our systems are constructed and proven to prevent such an event ever occurring, with every single ‘deal headline’ and ‘opportunity summary’ designed to fully protect the identity of your company and its stakeholders.
Each interested party is required to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) before they view any confidential information. Where possible, we will obtain all of relevant information to ensure KBS and yourself are in a position to make an informed decision as to the suitability of the potential acquirer.
You will be firmly in control of who has access to your company’s sensitive commercial and financial information. Once we have fully assessed the interest party and an NDA is on file, we can then seek your authority before a full Information Memorandum is sent.