
Finance team set £1,000 target for charity running total

By Lewis Burke

K3 Capital Group’s finance team will be pounding the streets of Manchester on Sunday May 21st in the latest charity fund-raising quest by company staff.

With colleagues having raised nearly £5,000 for their chosen charities by participating in marathons during the spring, six members of the finance department are now picking up the baton.

A target of £1,000 has been set, with donations to be divided equally between the National Deaf Children’s Society and the Trussell Trust, a nationwide network of food banks to which K3 Capital Group provides ongoing support – via both monetary and food donations.

With the Great Manchester Run, which comprises half-marathon and 10k mass participation events, marking its 20th anniversary, K3’s assistant accountant Nathan Broadhurst has enlisted five other members of the finance team to join him in raising funds for the two selected charities.

KBS Corporate Financial Controller Lewis Burke thinks the 10k test will prove to be a bigger challenge for himself than most of the colleagues who will be lining up with him at the start line.

“We are not avid runners, there’s a couple of us that do run,” said Lewis. “Personally, I’m not a runner at all. Most of the team were up for it, it was just me that initially wasn’t! But it’s a great cause and we are looking forward to doing the running and raising money for charity.

“We are looking to raise £1,000 and we have targets for finishing times – mine is actually just to finish! But I’ve bought a special pair of running shoes which I’m hoping will be a cheat code to get me round…” No such concerns for Finance Manager Mike Kay, on the other hand.

“Mike is doing the half-marathon because he runs every day and wants a bit more of a challenge,” explained Lewis. “Mike has hearing aids himself, so that was the reason behind the 50-50 charity split. It’s a good opportunity to raise awareness.

“We are hoping most of us can set off at the same time because there will be a lot of internal competition, which is good because I think that will help me get round.

“Hopefully we can all celebrate finishing at the end and hitting our target – and then I’ll want a pizza!”

You can support the finance team’s fund-raising quest at the following link:

Crowdfunding to increase awareness for: National Deaf Children’s Society (NDCS), and to help support Trussell’s Trust – a local food bank. on JustGiving